New Ideas

Britons fork out over £1.8 billion per year to repair the damage caused by leaking water in their homes, according to recent research from Halifax Home Insurance.

Surestop_DiagramLeaking water from washing machines, dishwashers, burst water tanks, pipes, showers and baths causes damage to some 3.3 million homes per year.

However if there is a water emergency a third of householders don’t even know where their stopcock is located.

This isn’t surprising really as they are tucked away in the most inaccessible places, behind kitchen cupboards, hidden under floorboards. If you can find your stopcock, they are difficult to

operate, particularly for the elderly. They often sieze up, which is not very helpful in an emergency.

By installing a surestop Water Switch you can easily control the water supply in your home.

In the event of an emergency you can easily shut down your water supply and limit any water damage. When you leave your home you can switch off your Surstop to protect your home from the damage that bust pipes can cause.


The Surestop remote water switch consists of a valve which connects directly into the water supply, alongside your existing stop cock. This valve is connected to the remote switch with two metres of flexible tubing. Once installed you simply press the switch to turn the water supply on or off.  The Surestop is powered by water pressure and requires no electricity or batteries.